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Sunday, January 29, 2017

White Privilege is bullshit

Let's lose some more "friends" today. If you use the term "white privilege" with me, you are personally invited to fuck off. I grew up in abject poverty. I still have some family there. We worked for everything we ever got. We were shit poor and our father would have sold a lung before taking food stamps, medicaid, or any government hand out. We may have snuck out and got some government cheese, but who wouldn't? Best grilled cheese sammiches ever. I got used clothes or handmade clothes. My brothers got my hand me downs. We shared bath water. I was oldest and male so I went last. My mother knew where the broken payphone was in Elmira. She would jiggle the receiver on the hook and gather the change that fell out so she could buy milk and bread. She shot squirrels out of a tree to make us dinner because we had no money. Dad was out busting his balls for peanuts. We wore bread bags over our shoes so we could walk to school in the snow. We got free school lunches or reduced pricing because the school knew we were hicks. We learened how to suck on a hose, so we could get fuel to heat the house. We know what diesel fuel tastes like. I got a job as a paper boy 7 days a week and I gave part of my earnings for rent. We ALL paid to live at home as we got older. I went to a beauty school to have my hair cut for free by practicing students. I moved from the hick town to the big city. I watched others get jobs they weren't qualified to do, but they got because I checked the box that said White on the applications. I was a pretty good thief too. To get what my family needed. I did what it took. No hand outs. Well, the soup kitchen and the church helped out with food on occasion. I would get money for food and had to work out of town and I gave it to my wife to make sure our son was taken care of. I had to lose things and borrow money to bury my wife and honor her the way she deserved. I still struggle today. My life is a struggle. I have a few things that I don't need, but I always broke my ass to have. I have NOTHING to be guilty of. My family gained the liberty you take for granted today. I'm called a racist because of the way I look. I take daily beatings for how I voted in a fucking election. And these whiny fucks want to give away OUR money while we have Americans STILL living in poverty at this very minute. Fuck your cute little racist phrase. I've NEVER been privileged. White or otherwise. So watch what the fuck you say around me. I'm still a little sensitive.